This chapter was a case study of the Corporate Website, T. Rowe Price I thought it was interesting to learn more about the basic categories of websites as well as the types of commercial websites.
The 5 basic categories of websites are:
1) Personal
2) Educational
3) Governmental
4) Entertainment
5) Commercial
The types of commercial websites are:
Transactional: Order merchandise and perform trasactions
Consumer: Promotional, highly visual, but does not offer much information
Marcom: Marketing communication, lots of information about a company
Content: Extensive information on a product
Hi Jessica, I like how you zoomed in on the basic categories of sites and types of commercial websites here for future reference! When in grad school, I do the same thing as well especially if I want to remember important info-- I have a "chunks and nuggets" notebook and I write down bits of info from my current reading and sometimes comment on a few of them. As always, the act of writing (movement of the pen or typing on screen) seems to help my cognitive processes. ;)